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Panel for Reinforced Floor

Panel for Reinforced Floor

Panel finish phenolic / galvanized wood. Used as flooring in cold storage.

FEATUREValue obtained PANEL DCValue due UNE 41-950
Compressive strength (10% deformation)0.185 N/mm2 =
1.89 kg/cm2
≥ 0.10 N/mm2
Compression modulus of elasticity5.24 N/mm2≥ 3 N/mm2
Shear strength0.187 N/mm2≥ 0.10 N/mm2
Module constant effort3.14 N/mm2≥ 2 N/mm2
Tensile strength perpendicular to the cover layers0.132 N/mm2≥ 0.10 N/mm2
Tensile modulus of elasticity40.6 kg/m3≥ 3 N/mm2
Density Foam4.37 N/mm2≥ 38 kg/m3
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